Tame your household devices with Bearbot, an emotive universal remote. Perfom specific hand gestures to teach him how to control numerous household devices (TV, air conditioning, lights and more). Very expressive, your companion interacts with you but can still surprise you with spontaneous behaviors like sneezing or yawning. Bearbot isFrom the moment he is tamed, Bearbot responds immediately to each of your commands and becomes indispensable in the house. 
Bearbot is your loyal companion!

Bearbot is an universal remote using following protocols: infrared, bluetooth, zigbee and radio. 
His virtual face livens up through his 1.44 inch TFT screen and he is able to detect your gestures thanks to a 3D gesture controller.
Bearbot completely recharges his batteries via induction (Qi system) in approximatively four hours. 
Mini Bearbot
Mini​ Bearbot has no screen and is not interactive. He is a relay that enables to expand the infrared range. 
The cub becomes indispensable when Bearbot stands too far from the device (more than 5 meters) or is hidden behind an obstacle.  available for adoption as well as his cub, mini Bearbot an infrared relay.
